Paul Bailes

Chartered Insurance Institute

January 2019



In 2017 CII launched a seminal piece of research under the title of Insuring Women’s Futures, a joint initiative to look at how women are impacted in insurance and financial services throughout their life. Having launched the first report, we were briefed to create the follow up piece which looks specifically at the pensions life journey for women.

The brief was that this report needed to stand alone as a report in its own right whilst also being part of the suite of materials being produced under the Insuring Women’s Futures umbrella. It was imperative that the content could be easily understood, engage the reader and that it could be made available both in print and electronically.



To create a visual link to the previous report we continued with the mixture of the photographic and icon approach, using the same images where appropriate to give the user continuity on the visual journey. From the outset, the level of technical content to be included in the life journey would not fit a A4 standard format so we designed the report so that the life journey sat on a double page throw-out giving us the maximum print area possible whilst retaining the desired A4 portrait format stipulated by the client.


Once the content and design for the traditional printed document had been agreed, we created an interactive digital version which had the same content but the use of advanced functionality within indesign and acrobat, meant we were able to use zoom functions with interactive navigation to allow the user to effectively move through the report to any area of particular interest without the need to scroll through the entire document. Throw-out spreads opened in full page views so the integrity of the life journey was maintained. All data sources were hyperlinked so that they could be verified in a single click as they opened in a new window.


The CII stakeholder was thrilled with the printed report as it was visually impactful and well thought out. The output of the interactive version exceeded expectation as they had imagined the interactive version would be a mirror of the printed version. As it was very easy and intuitive, it drew the viewer in allowing for a more engaging and immersive experience. Challenging timescales were also achieved allowing for a successful launch of this latest research.

Insuring Women’s Futures Digital Report

A digital version of the report was created that could be downloaded from the web and designed to be readable on desktop and mobile.

COH_J012309 IWF Pension Life Journeys Digital Report C6


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