Sarah Price

Creative Director
Paul Bailes

Chartered Insurance Institute

March 2019



We had previously collaborated with our client, the CII, to produce a report to launch a seminal piece of research under the title of Insuring Women’s Futures, a joint initiative to look at how women are impacted at all stages of their lives in respect of engagement with insurance and financial services. Following this successful launch in 2017, we then followed this up with the design and production of a second report which looked in detail at the pension life journey for women in 2018.

Both reports were extremely successful in meeting the desired need but lead to a natural call for more material that our client could use to continue to generate interest and support for the important call for action to change the future of women’s financial futures.

We were asked to produce a PowerPoint presentation featuring extracts from the report and also suitable handout that would illustrate the challenges being faced in an easily digestible and visually impactful way.


Aware that the PowerPoint had to be completed in a finite amount of time, it was vital that the information and transitions allowed for the key messages to be delivered quickly. By using the same imagery as in the full research report overlaid with key facts on bold coloured blocks linked via use of icons, we achieved a natural flow that mirrored the life journey of women.

Our client wanted to convey the very stark reality of the seriousness of the problem faced by sharing as many of the facts from their research without having a printed report that would necessitate a heavy read. As the intention was to stimulate action, we opted to produce a roadmap style zcard leaflet. This provided a lightweight, finished document at A5 size which when open extended to almost A2. The solution meant that we could maximise the space to include a table of the key stats as we had designed for the main printed report.


By opting for the fold out, it meant that there were no legibility issues, but it gave enough variety and interest that the audience would have a plethora of information to hook into. Use of a subtle colour coding to the type of challenges faced, combined with clever use of icons resulted in a visually appealing document that drew the reader’s attention to the content. The icons and graphics were able to be used on social media to promote events and drive traffic to their website.

As with the main report, the CII wanted this document to also be available on the web as a PDF. We created an interactive digital version which had the same content but the use of advanced functionality within Indesign and Acrobat, meant we were able to use zoom functions with interactive navigation to allow the user to effectively move through the document to any area of particular interest.


The presentation was successfully given and is being used at all events and meetings. For the first time, the CII have a succinct single handout that they are able to leave behind that both backs up the content of the presentation and can be used as a stand alone event handout and which appeals to audiences both within and outside of the insurance & financial services profession.