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Paul Bailes

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Chartered Insurance Institute



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CII are a professional body dedicated to building public trust in the insurance and financial planning profession with a membership of over 125,000 members committed to high professional standards.

A key goal in driving the profession forward is the development and sharing of insights and knowledge with members and society.

Never before has it been easier to create and share professionally designed and engaging content that can be distributed and consumed online while allowing individuals to download, store and/or print their own copy.



Whilst a web page is perfectly adequate to share small amounts of information it is not always the best way to share more detailed, lengthy or complicated content. A better way to share this type of content is some form of digital document. The format of these types of documents can be flexible to your needs and the platform or device your audience is most likely to read them on.

These document can be set up to have simple navigation and links to other content on your website or in the case of research documents, the sources of the research.


The format of these documents will depend on your needs. If you think your audience is likely to want to print the document then PDF format with limited interaction may be the way to go. PDF format also allows your document to be downloaded and read offline at a later date.

However if using animation and reader interaction is important to bringing your content to life, publishing as an online digital document may be something to consider.


BNI (Business Network International) had a tagline that went ‘Givers Gain’.

The same is true about your Insights – don’t lock them away behind some type of wall. Share your thoughts and insights with potential and existing clients freely and by giving you should hopefully gain, in reputation, customer loyalty and revenue.